Relaxing Benefits of Craft Making

By Anna

Relaxing benefits of making crafts

Soap making, knitting, jewelry making, embroidery, and the like – there are dozens of craft that you can start today as a new and exciting hobby. Craft making is a wonderful therapy for the mind and soul. Let us convince you further with these top 5 ways on how making crafts can help you relax.

Improve Your Wellbeing

Stressed at work? De-stress with craft making! In 2018, Dr. Daisy Fancourt and her team at the University College London asked 50,000 people to take the Great British Creativity Test. In this research, they found out that creative activities, which include making crafts, enhance the general wellbeing of an individual, even in small amounts/ times. Creative arts and craft distract people from the stress of work, school, or even relationships and help them get that much-needed ”me-time” in a productive way.

Get a New Life Perspective

Working a 9-to-5 job or in a career that has little growth seem to put a lot of us inside a box. They limit our potential to do something novel, which can then bring about depression and unnecessary stress that nothing exciting is going on in our lives. Craft making can ease your mind because you are actually going to do something new every day, week, or month, depending on how small or big your craft project is. You will discover new life perspectives as you take time in doing and enjoying crafts, learning not only new things but also contemplating about your life in a relaxed manner.

Enhance Your Brain Power

Having an active job or studying at school can definitely improve your cognition and problem solving skills, but these are usually stressful environments. In craft making, your brain remains active and healthy as you follow instructions, concentrate on every step of the process, and solve problems if there are any – all while being in a relaxed state. And here’s a bonus: learning a new skill through craft making can actually reduce your risk for dementia in later life.

Ease Away from Depression

Did you know that there are about 300 million people around the world who are suffering from depression? And with the current pandemic, we can expect more cases of depression and poor mental health globally. Long-term depression can make you feel like nothing is going your way, and failure is always at hand. Creativity will pull you away from this negative mindset. Craft making can help you avoid having a low mood. This is simply because creating a new thing with your own hands will definitely boost your self confidence and give you that feel good moment.

Natural soap and lavender flowers isolated on white

Escape from Reality

Modern life is truly fast-paced. Watching the news or even scrolling through your Facebook feed isn’t as relaxing as it should be. All of us need a breather from our noisy, busy lives. With craft making, you will have moments of escape from the negativity around you. Every time you make something new, you will have that feeling of freedom, relaxation, and positivity that are sometimes lost in our daily routine. And while you escape from reality for an hour or two, you will develop a sense of mindfulness. That feeling that you are just thinking about and doing this one craft? That’s one of the best feelings in the world.

Craft making can help you relax and express yourself in ways beyond counting. Whether you choose to make soap, create jewelry, innovate a design, start a painting or a sculpture, or learn to bake, you will find yourself saying goodbye to rainy days, and hello to the new, creative YOU.

About the author

Anna has been making melt and pour soap for over 10 years. Figuring out ways to make different melt and pour soap designs is one of her interests. She has over 100 videos of making melt and pour soaps online.

2 thoughts on “Relaxing Benefits of Craft Making”

  1. Without a doubt one of the most enjoyable articles on crafting I’ve ever read. Sometimes I feel like an airhead because I enjoy trying many different crafts. Like if I’m not making money at it, then it’s not valuable. But this was a really encouraging article.
    Thank you for Sharing,


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